This: Come, I would like to sing n, the messages that share in his music. Back to women who travel with Naïka. Now you’re turning, so it’s the taste of that life again.
N: Yes, it’s beautiful.
This: Where have you been?
N: Oh, my God, has been a blessing like that. I went to Saudi Arabia, I went to Istanbul. My first tour was two years ago, I first went on the road. And we have made the US and Europe and the experience was insane. All shows run out and connect with the audience everywhere and it was so nice. And Madagascar too.
This: Oh, my God, I have to throw that.
N: Yes, I went Madagascar And I was like me, let me know here I can put a show. And I went to my story and I was like me, “Yo, is anyone here? Would the guys come?” Then people were answering and I was like me, Okay, bet. And I wondered around, “Where can I do a show here?” And we made a smaller room, but it was a lot of fun.
This: But the world is a great place. Where do you still want to play a tour?
N: I think I would like to go Asia. I would like to visit and act out this region of the world.
This: What draws you there?
N: There are wonderful and individual cultures in the region. And it seems fascinating to me. I love to see how different people live and I’m interested in going on that side of the world.
This: For a long time, when you are in Istanbul, you can jump between Europe and Asia. And I was able to trust that I was able to say that I had been asian.
N: True.
This: I was like me, I did.
N: That’s what I love about this side to jump on the train and you will be in another country anytime.
This: Being in the future, you clearly see if you have a great power of writing music and song, especially when talking about an identity or policy. What would you like to sing in the future or in the conversations you want to move forward?
N: I think the limitations I would like to defend a respectful message among indirect humans. And I had a huge privilege to see so many places around the world, so many people and culture. At the end of the day, whatever we are humans. We all love to love, respect, respect and see. And that has limits. I think we put a lot of obstacles when we don’t know something and when we fear something. And I hope people encourage you to see fear and other people in these walls. And I hope to continue and as flimsy as it is as flimsy, bringing people together. Really honestly, my heart lies in its real shape.
This: This has been great.
N: Thank you
This: It was a nice way to spend the evening and thank you for surrendering in Paris afternoon.
N: It’s cool. Thank you for being me.
This: I am happy. Well, you die. Thank you for listening to women who travel. I am Lale Arikoglu and find me in Instagram @ Lalehannah. Our engineer is a pran band. And thanks special to Jake Lummus for helping engineering. Our show Amar Lal has mixed Macro Sound. Jude Kampfner is our producer, Stephanie Kariuki, our executive producer and Chris Bannon Condé Nast Global Audio.