Rostislav Panev, a 51-year-old double Russian-Israeli national, who is accused of being a key developer for the celebrity Lockbit Ransomware Gang, was extracted from Israel to the United States, the Department of Justice announced Thursday.
Lying down was arrested in Israel in Decemberbecoming the Third a person arrested for his role in Lockbit. Since then, he has been waiting for extradition in Israel.
Prokuroroj asertas, ke Panev estis programisto laboranta por la Lockbit Ransomware Group de siaj komencoj en 2019 kaj ĝis almenaŭ februaro 2024. Panev kaj aliaj Lockbit -programistoj desegnis la malware de la bando kaj konservis ĝian infrastrukturon, kaj dividis la krimajn enspezojn kaj la viktimojn de la bando, kiuj estis de la krimratoj, kiuj estis la krimuloj kaj la viktimoj, kiuj estis de la criminals and the victims who were the criminals and the victims who were the criminals, who are the criminals, who are the criminals and the victims who were the perpetrators.
“If you are a member of the Lockbit ransomware conspiracy, the United States will find you and take you to justice,” said US lawyer John Giordano.