Horror Remakes and Rebootas are only part of the Hollywood genre -landscape today; Occasionally, a fresh eye applied to a family source material can produce Triumphal victoryOne recent example is Bad Death Rise. More often, however, the cash intentions shine through everything else.
One of the most often burned franchises is also one of the oldest horrors: The Texas chain massacre. The most recent attempt Recapture that 1974 Tobe Hooper Magic was a total bust, just like the tests that preceded it, but that doesn’t mean someone else won’t try it.
At least there is a plot movie star attached to DeadlineThe Leatherface report and the possible return of the company: Glen Powell. He is coming from Austin, Texas, where Hooper famously shot his two Chain movies, and although he did not make too many horror projects, he exploded in the television horror-comedy series Shouts queens.
The story of the deadline is less upgrade, more guess, but is clearly some to move around a Texas chain Remake if one of the big businesses digs it. According to the story, “Studios and filmmakers” alike approached Verve, who “captured the rights for the Slasher series created by Tobe Hooper and Kim Henkel since 2017,” about a recent project involving the most famous Cannibal crew of cinema.
However, a vervely representative was very light on details when talking to the business; They said that “a multimedia strategy for the seminal horror franchise” is in the works, but that “really did not officially introduce the property into any filmmakers, producers or buyers … packages are predictably brought to Verve.”
One of those packages is apparently the one who involves Powell (as a potential star and producer) and writer-director JT Mollner, who made 2023 Serial-Killer Tale Strange DarlingAlthough “there are very early days about this; no contracts or ties so far, and the Mollner/Powell combo is just one interested party of many.”
We will let you know if we hear more Chain“When standing at nine films in total in the franchise, though we like to pretend Only the first two exist“News.” But meanwhile, do you think this series needs a new movie … or do people just stay with the Hooper classics?
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