Barry ‘Butch’ Wilmore and Suni Williams will return home: What’s next?

Astronaut Barry “Butch” Wilmore and Sauuni Williams Returned safely March 18 after being stranded by the International Space Station (ISS) for 286 days.

The duo makes history in June 2024 as part of the Boeing Starliner’s flight of the ISS, but what should be an eight-day mission spread over nine technical problems. Spacex finally sends Crew-8 dragon spacecraft to bring two astronauts at home this week, with the shrimp safely on the shores of Florida after a 17-hour journey. Now, like Wilmore and Williams unite their families, Starliner will face questions about why the test mission failed.

Continue scrolling for a full rundown of Wilmore and Williams’s plan of support, what they can now expect families and reactions from prominent numbers:

What happened

The former in astronauts Wilmore and Williams was originally supposed to join the eight-day mission when their bubble to repair rotating commerced commerced spaces.

The leaks helium are a recurring trouble traveling to Starliner, which forces flight controllers to close two helium difolds, which in turn over at Starlinder. The issue was healed enough enough that Starliner had kept close with the planned port at international space station.

However, when Starliner approaches the ISS, the mission teams are discovered that eight in the Craft Control System System System System System System Systems has stopped moving. Wilmore and Williams were forced to keep Starliner in the stasis outside of the space Station’s no-fly-flys zone until the land mission crew can reset the series of trials.

Once Wilmore and Williams are safe on the ISS, Nasa decided on September 2024 The Starliner must return to the ground without further testing. It’s on the left Wilmore and Williams are important to be stranded in the Space Station until the NASA has launched a rescue mission in March.

During Wilmore and Williams rescue, logged in 286 days (or nine months) in space, higher than six-month missions that are often obtained at international space station.

Wilmore says journalistsFrom space, in March: “We’re getting ready to stay long, even if we plan to stay short.”

“That’s all in your country Spaceflight in your country,” he continued. “Plan for unknown, unexpected contingencies. And we do that.”

The rescue

Wilmore and Williams was originally scheduled to leave the Space Station on June 14, 2024, but that date was always pushed until the Starliner of the Starliner was not changed.

“We don’t feel left behind. We don’t feel quitting. We don’t feel stranded. I understand why others think that,” told others CNN in February. “We’re preparing, we’ve been done.”

While NASA and Boeing work in a rescue plan, Wilmore and Williams held more than 900 hours of research, according to UNTO Joel MontalbanoDeputy Associate Administrator with Directorate Directorate.

president Donald Trump The NASA was ordered to move to the timetable for a rescue mission when he took office in January. In response, NASA made the changes to the flight plan by selecting a Spacex capsule for the cost of $ 100 million to $ 150 million, according to Rabause.

On March 18, Wilmore and Williams left issues to join two more astronauts, NASA’s Nick Hague and the Cosmonaa of Russia Aleksandr Gorbunovon board the crew tracret on a 17-hour trip back to the ground.

Spacex’s dragon surrounded safely to the beach in Florida at 5:57 pm. The cameras are on the scene to get the chance Wilmore and Williams traveled the dragon and headed to the ground for the first time.

What is next for astronauts Barry Wilmore and Suni Williams now they're at home
Kegan Barber / NASA by Getty Images

What’s next

Wilmore and Williams can now face different physical and emotional challenges after their nine-month stay at the international space station.

According to RabausePeople who have endured high times microlagvity can face the face of the face and potential sight problems due to increased cranial pressure. Astronauts can also experience the loss of bone and muscle roots as well as irregularities in blood pressure.

In addition, they often suffer the complications of balance and coordination once they returned, in addition to the possibility of psychological changes and changing solitude for a long time.

Because Wilmore and Williams originally contracted for an eight-day mission but spent over 900 hours of research time in their rescue plus their reported $ 152,000 pay.

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“When the astronauts of the NASAS of the International Space Station, they receive regular, 40-hour wages of the week. They have not received overtime / weekly payments,” NASA said people. “While in space, the astronauts of the NASAS travel officers as federal employees, so the incidents were given during traveling time each day.”

Like Farliner, NASA Crew Crew Manager Steve Stich Repisers say ahead of the mission to rescue that should be hanged with another test of the test – before being rejected – before regular missions of human owners.

“What we want to do is a flight and then enter a tripulation flight,” he said. “So, the next flight will really try all the changes we make in the car, and then the next fight ahead, we need to boe a crew rotation. So, that’s the strategy.”

The stach was confirmed later that Boeing was in the process of organizing another Starliner Test Mission, which followed to think it was more expensive with an aerospace investment.

“(We) work in the hand of Boeing as well as Starliner certification, to get that car running away,” he said, by BBC News.


Spacex CEO Elon Musk Shows Fox News on March 18 to thank his saving crew for bringing two stranded astranouts at home safely.

“Thanks for the excellent work of the Spacex team working with NASA, the astronauts are now safe at home. And so feelings of Spacex / NASA’s good jobs,” he said.

Jimmy Fallnon gave light mission to save his opening monologue in March 18 edition of The performance of tonight.

Fallon is holding back, “today, Boeing astronauts who have been stranded by the International Space Station for nine months in the last text of a person, ‘Sorry, find it!'”

“Yup, they were there for nine months, or as they put into two astronauts, ‘we have three now,’ Fallon added.

Millions of worldwide social media document what it looks like Wilmore and Williams to go home after an unexpected time staying in space.

“In an age of division, we will do one opportunity to identify a success that exceeds politics: the safe return of human knowledge. These unique reasons of intellect and engineering,” The biggest loser stars Jillian Michaels wrote by X. “It reminds us that if we shine our collective efforts to explore and discover, we can do individuals who begin with these visions, but we are generations for the visions, now, we do not do it.

Happy days solvability Henry Winkler IMPARTED“Astronauts are at home … how long !!!! Arrive back to earth.”

In Acting Administrator Janet Petro As His team “enjoys” to welcome all four astronauts back to the world after successful rescue mission.

“By preparing, wise and dedication, we reach major things for the benefit of mankind, pushing the boundaries of what is possible from the lower orbit of the moon and Mars.

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