While the cryptoma markets were further beaten on the weekend, a coin actually gains ground. Ton that is connected to the messaging app telegramDipped 24% on the news that the founder and CEO of the app Pavel Durov had the app returned home After Dubai in the middle of an ongoing examination.
Ton grew from $ 2.94 to USD 3.59 on Saturday as News broke that the founder born in Russia was allowed to leave France, where he was detained and beaten several fees in connection with the failure to prevent illegal activities on the platform. The currency continued on Monday and reached 3.65 US dollars when Durov made an explanation for the first time since his return.
“As you may have heard, I returned to Dubai after several months in France because she examined the activity of criminals in the telegram,” wrote Durov on telegram. “The process continues, it feels great to be at home.”
Durov has to return to France by April 7th.
Telegram began to develop TONNE– also known as the open network – in 2017, so that its rapidly growing user base can quickly process transactions in the app using blockchain technology. Today it is an integral part of the platform used for games, advertisements and transaction fees. It has accumulated a market capitalization of over 8 billion US dollars.
Telegram and alleged criminal activities
Durov had been banned since August, after he had been arrested near Paris last year, to leave France.
Telegram has attracted almost a billion global users since its foundation in 2013. It was the company’s guideline, only in September, when Durov fulfilled state inquiries for user information this directive turned around after his arrest. The French authorities say that the app was used to distribute the sexual child abuse Material, drug trafficking, fraud and other criminal activities.
Telegram previously said that it was “absurd” to blame Durov for criminal activities that appear in a telegram in a X Post after his arrest. “It is absurd to say that a platform or its owner are responsible for the abuse of this platform,” wrote the company and added that its moderation practices “” improves and constantly improving “. The company did not react immediately Assets‘s request for comment.
Durov’s arrest caused the counter reaction of people like Ethereum founders Vitalik Buterin And we whistleblower Edward SnowdenHe said the step was a politically motivated attack on freedom of speech.
Durov kept his innocence during the investigation and wrote on Monday on telegram: “When it comes to moderation, cooperation and martial crime, Telegram has not only fulfilled its legal obligations for years.”
This story was originally on Fortune.com
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