
Euler Finance, a crypto lending and lending platform, has just recovered from the Defi wilderness.

The agreement stood out this week on Total Value Lockdown (TVL) and Total Excuses – two key indicators of lenders’ activities.

The hundreds of millions of dollars of cryptocurrencies Euler now manages may make the Ethereum world’s lending powers, such as the billion-dollar Aave, far from it. However, this is worth noting for a protocol that has been conducted almost after Kaput $200 million hacker Just two years ago.

“A lot of people wrote it down for us and said it was totally normal for us to end the project there,” said Michael Bentley, CEO of Euler Labs. But his team decided to stick with it and rebuild Euler from scratch.

Their New Vision It is a highly customizable lending center where people can adjust the risk, yield and asset parameters of the pool. This is very different from the original Euler, which Bentley describes as “a specific product: a loan market.”

“When it comes to loans and borrowing, there is only a certain level of everything.”

Comeback is barely guaranteed: Hack’s victim Retrieve their moneyBentley and his team question whether the market is interested in a reputation-damaging agreement.

Euler sat in a pre-issue security comment, and Euler basically missed the 2024 Defi surge, which didn’t help. Euler finally released the V2 nearly a year and a half after dark in September 2024.

The agreement helped its return with a relatively modest incentive budget: “millions of dollars” of Euler tokens to attract people’s return, when he claimed that competitors offered tens of millions of dollars. Bentley said that it attributed much of the growth to “the product market is right.”

Even now, as a key collateral asset for Ethereum-wide lending platforms, prices continue to spiral, and Euler continues to grow. This is one of only two loan agreements in the top 10, namely the growth of aggressive loans last month.

If so far the success of Euler V2, if it is a bear market, I still have confidence that Euler will still be growing relative to some other opportunities there. ” Bentley said.

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