Texas Golfer apologies after the Rory Mcalik

A student golfer seizes Rory Mcalik Apologizes for the public, calling the incident “an error.”

Luke PotterA Junior and Player at the University of Texas’ Golf Team, Menroy was marked with TPC Singgrass at TPC Vedra Beach, Florida, on Tuesday 11.

After the first mormroy ball hit water, Potter shouted, “like 2011 in Augdana,” According to the incident accounts Social media shared. After his second shot, McCroys took Potter’s phone before the student was carried from the place.

“Look, I just made an error, and I told it,” Potter told Golfchannel.com In an article published on Thursday, March 13.

“I apologize for it. That’s about everything to say. … It’s a great learning experience. Yes, I apologize,” he added.

Potter says violating the official management fan code, prohibiting the “language or physical harassment of players” and “disturbing a player or any disruption to play,” according to Golf.com.

Potter’s phone is later returned, according to different reports.

Potter coach, John Fieldsreflects the incident of an interview with Golf.com on Thursday.

“He had a hole in his heart. He had no idea what would go out of his mouth resulted in this way,” as Fields.

He added that potter’s actions “shame” for the University of Texas Golf Program.

“It is particularly sensitive to me because our program is built on the game, and I would tell you that we coach 18-to 22-year-olds on a normal basis and they don’t always take the right to make a mistake it’s a learning moment,” he Continued.

Potter says the letters of the McIlroys Commissioner Jay Monahan Monahan is brendered Brender at the University of North Florida, host school at Hart Tournament.

“Go ahead he’ll be a better person. That’s what I think,” In addition to the fields.

As for McIlroy, the Golf Star refused to discuss the incident in a press conference on Thursday.

To a present Shared by social media, a journalist asks Millroys: “Rory, can I ask you about shenanigans with the child in 17 in practice?”

“No, you can’t,” Mciplers replied. When asked “why,” Golfer said: “Because I don’t want you.”

“I think, the stranger turned to the fact that it was not a civilian, that it was a player,” the journalist checked. “Does that surprise? Do you know that? And did you know it later? And did you get married to you when you knew it?”

“I’m so happy that I shot 67 now,” Menroy said, who ignored the questions.

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